Post Coil Information

Post Coil Information

Before the procedure

If you are having a removal and reinsertion of new device we ask that you abstain from intercourse or use a reliable form of contraception (eg. condoms) for 1 week prior to procedure. This is in case of difficulty with insertion of the new device which can sometimes occur after removal of the old device.

After Coil Information

After the coil is fitted most women will feel some crampy period-like pain for 24-48 hours. You can take regular pain relief during this time for example ibuprofen/paracetamol.

Some women will notice some bleeding/spotting after insertion.

If you have severe pain which is not settling with pain medication you should contact us to arrange review.

Important Things To Note:

Avoid use of tampons/menstrual cups for 1 month after insertion. If you have bleeding you can use sanitary towels.

Abstain for sexual intercourse for 7 days as you will not be covered for contraception until then and also to give the strings time to curl into place. 

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